Category: PEA News

SMS Pension Update – Action Required

Dear PEA members,​ The union is aware of two significant and serious pension contribution issues that require your immediate attention:​ ​​Pension enrolment You may not…

HSP LRO Update

Dear PEA members, We would like to inform you of upcoming changes to your PEA Labour Relations Officer (LRO) support team. Idil Farah started with…

HSP Casual Pro Fee Funding 

Dear PEA members,  Casual HSP and late applicant members are now able to apply for funding to cover a portion of their health science professional…

UVic LRO Update

Dear PEA members, We would like to inform you of upcoming changes to your PEA Labour Relations Officer (LRO) support team. Stephen Portman will be…

SGS AXYS Bargaining Update

Dear PEA members, On November 25, 26, and 27, 2024, the Bargaining Team commenced bargaining our first collective agreement with the Employer. We put forward…

PEA New Member Database

Dear PEA members, As part of our ongoing commitment to improving servicing and to enhance the member experience, we are transitioning our membership data system…