PEA News

PEA Update: Outstanding Payments, Collective Agreement and Seniority List

Dear PEA members, Brett and I met with Jason, Arno and Karen this past Tuesday to discuss the outstanding payment to members. The employer has…

Pearson College Chapter Updates

Dear PEA members, I want to introduce myself and give a few chapter updates. My name is Rhiannon Bray. I’m your Labour Relation Officer and…

Government Lawyers Subchapter Executive Vote

Dear PEA members, We are pleased to announce that two members put their names forward to  fill the vacant spot on the Government Lawyers Subchapter (GLSC)…

PEA GLP Bargaining Dates and Professional Reliance Letter

Dear GLP members, A few pieces of information we would like to share with you. Bargaining Timeline At the end of May, we will be…

HSP Bargaining and Classification Update

Dear PEA members, I wanted to take a moment to share some important updates affecting our chapter. As many of you know, bargaining is underway…

UVic Spring 2025 Newsletter

Dear PEA members, We’ve got a big milestone on our hands this year as 2025 marks the 30th anniversary of the certification of the UVic Chapter at…

Defending the PEA’s Vision During Uncertain Times

Dear PEA members,​ Our vision is a future where professional expertise is valued, worker rights are protected, and public services thrive. This is achieved through our members, who are dedicated to strengthening the economic, social, and…

UVic Bargaining Committee

Dear PEA members, On behalf of the chapter executive, I am writing to inform you that the UVic 2025 bargaining committee has now been selected….

Professionals from the BC Society for Policy Solutions Join the PEA

Dear PEA members,​ We are excited to announce that the PEA is the new bargaining agent for the professionals at the BC Society for Policy Solutions (BCSPS)….

Expression of Interest – PEA Government Lawyers Subchapter Executive Vacant Position

Dear PEA members, The Government Lawyers Subchapter (GLSC) was formed in response to Bill 5, which moved government lawyers into the PEA’s Government Licensed Professionals…

Law Society New LRO

Dear PEA members, We would like to inform you that your PEA Labour Relations Officer (LRO) has changed.  Rhiannon Bray is now the Labour Relations…

GLP Meeting with the Minister of Finance

Dear PEA members, This afternoon, we had a productive meeting with the Minister of Finance, Brenda Bailey, and her Chief of Staff, Kelly Sather, reinforcing…