PEA GLP Bargaining Dates and Professional Reliance Letter

Dear GLP members,

A few pieces of information we would like to share with you.

Bargaining Timeline
At the end of May, we will be going to the bargaining table with the Employer. We have pushed back bargaining dates. 

Even though the 17th Main PEA collective agreement expires March 31, 2025, the terms and conditions outlined in the agreement continue to apply until the next agreement is ratified. The PEA will seek that the terms (e.g., salary increases) in the new Collective Agreement are retroactive. It’s not uncommon that a new collective agreement gets ratified after the expiration date.

We continue to work closely with other unions in the public sector and the BCGEU to coordinate our strategy.

2025 Benefits Guide
The guide for member benefits has been updated by the Public Service and can be viewed here. Please look and see what benefits you and your family can access.

Professional Reliance
Thank you to all the agrologists, engineers, foresters, and geoscientists who participated in the survey from the PEA-side of the Joint Professional Reliance Task Force. There was great engagement from the membership and the PEA is now reviewing the data and will report back with an overview of results and next steps for action.

Please see the letter that the GLP Executive sent to the Engineers and Geoscientists BC and to Kate Haines, Superintendent of the Office of the Superintendent of the Professional Governance, regarding the government’s delay in including all the ministries that employ engineers and geoscientists as government registrants in EGBC under the Professional Governance General Regulation.

In solidarity,

Andrea Mears
Labour Relations Officer

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