Chapter: Government Licensed Professionals

GLP Executive Vacancy

There is one new vacancy on the GLP Executive. Are you interested in stepping forward? The Chapter Executive consists of seven members elected bi-ennially in…

Appendix H Activation

We received the following letter from Deputy Minister Tara Richards regarding the activation of Appendix H 626819 – Response to Scott McCannell – Leave for…

GLP Emergency Response Update

GLP – Government Licensed Professionals Dear GLP members, As the province grapples with yet another devastating emergency we wanted to check in on a number…

Mandatory Vaccine Webinar Recap

Dear GLP members, Thank you to everyone who attended our legal perspective webinar last week in regards to the Employer’s mandatory vaccine mandate. We wanted…

BC Public Service Vaccine Mandate

Dear GLP members, Yesterday the Deputy Minister to the Premier announced that the BC Public Service will require all employees to be fully vaccinated by…