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In December, 2000 the certification was varied to include a group of support staff employees at the school. In April of 2002, the certification was again varied to include cooks, chefs, kitchen helpers and laundry workers. The chapter currently includes teachers and support staff at the school, including bus drivers and office and maintenance staff.
One of Canada’s leading non-denominational schools for girls, St. Margaret’s provides young women with education from Kindergarten to Grade Twelve and has programs for ESL students. St. Margaret’s School is located in Victoria.
Your Labour Relations Officer is:
Rhiannon Bray, 250-385-8791 ext 204
Your Local Reps are:
Laurie Adsett, 250-479-7171
Mike Keddy, 250-479-7171
Fanie Pigeon, 250-479-7171
Bev Waterfield, 250-479-7171
All bargaining bulletins and job action updates are posted HERE. You will need to login to the website to view this page.
Collective Agreement
Chairperson: Bev Waterfield
Vice-Chairperson: Vacant
Secretary-Treasurer: Michael Keddy
Member-at-Large: Cory Steadman
Member-at-Large: Vacant
All executive members can be reached at St. Margaret’s School, 250-479-7171.
AGM Reports
The 2024 SMS Chapter Annual General Meeting will take place on November 27 at 4:00 – 5:00 p.m. PST. Registration links for the hybrid meeting are sent via email.
The Draft AGM Agenda is below. Log-in is required for the reports available in advance. Contact for assistance.
The name of the organization shall be the St. Margaret’s School Chapter (SMS Chapter) of the Professional Employees Association.
ARTICLE II — Objectives
St. Margaret’s School Chapter objectives are:
ARTICLE III — Membership
Membership shall be open to all employees who are members of the bargaining unit at St. Margaret’s School for whom the Professional Employees Association is certified.
ARTICLE IV — Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the SMS Chapter shall consist of six members; a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson and four Directors at-Large.
The Executive Committee shall each year appoint, from among the Directors a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Chairperson and two directors are elected for two-year terms in even numbered years. The Vice Chairperson and two directors are elected for two-year terms in odd numbered years. At least one director position will be designated as a support staff position. If no support member is nominated, the position may be filled by a tutorial staff member.
The SMS Chapter shall rotate its entitlement to appoint an Association Executive member with other Association chapters as determined by the Association Executive, on an annual basis. When it is entitled to do so, the Executive Committee shall appoint by motion an Association Executive member from among the members of the Executive Committee. The term of appointment shall be one year, effective at the close of the Annual Association Convention in odd-numbered years, and effective on June 1 in even-numbered years.
ARTICLE V — Duties of the Executive
The Chairperson will preside over SMS Chapter meetings and, in his/her absence, the Vice Chairperson will preside. The Chairperson will have overall responsibility for the general and active management of the business of the Chapter and will enforce and abide by the provisions of the Chapter Constitution and By-Laws.
The Vice Chairperson will assume duties as may be determined by the Chairperson or Executive. Should the Chairperson refuse to act, be absent or disabled, the Executive will vest all the powers and duties of the Chairperson in the Vice Chairperson.
The Secretary will prepare and disseminate notices and agendas of all Executive and Chapter meetings, keep an accurate record of all Executive and Chapter meetings, act as Parliamentarian at all Chapter meetings, act as Archivist for -all Chapter matters, and assume other duties as may be determined by the Executive.
The Treasurer will keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements of the Chapter, and deposit all moneys and disburse the funds of the Chapter under the direction of the Executive.
At least three members of the Executive Committee will act as the Bargaining Committee for the SMS Chapter. The duties of the Bargaining Committee are to:
ARTICLE VI — Executive Meetings
A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be four members, and shall have the authority to take such measures in carrying out SMS Chapter objectives as are consistent with the Professional Employees Association Constitution.
All questions coming before the Executive shall be decided by a majority vote of the members present.
The Executive may create committees at its discretion by accepted nomination from the SMS Chapter members. Each committee will be comprised of no more than four and no less than two members of the SMS Chapter and may also include one member of the Executive.
ARTICLE VII — Chapter Executive Elections
The Elections Committee will consist of at least three members appointed by the Executive Committee from solicited volunteers of the SMS Chapter at the Annual General Meeting, and is accountable only to the membership. When any member resigns, is absent or otherwise fails to perform the duties set out in this article, the Executive may appoint a replacement.
Vacant Executive positions will be filled by the candidates receiving the highest number of votes.
If a member of the Elections Committee wishes to accept a nomination for the Executive, the member will first resign from the Committee.
ARTICLE VIII — Delegate Elections
The Elections Committee shall also prepare a list of candidates for the delegates to the Convention of the Association who have signified that they are willing to represent the Chapter at convention. Normally, SMS Chapter shall be represented at convention by a member of the Executive Committee and a member-at-large. Nominations may be put forward to the Elections Committee by any member of the SMS Chapter.
The Elections Committee shall put the list of standing delegate candidates to the general membership for their vote. Ballots shall be delivered to each member or mailed to his/her last known address not later than 60 days prior to the Convention of the Association. The date by which the ballot is to be returned shall precede the Annual Convention by at least 45 days.
ARTICLE IX — Removal From Office
Members of the Executive may be removed from office before the expiration of their term of office. A call for removal must be signed by 30 percent of the membership and forwarded to the Chairperson, with a copy to the Secretary. A Special Meeting must be called to discuss the issue. After the meeting, ballots will be circulated to the membership by the Elections Committee. The Elections Committee will count the ballots and report the binding results to the Executive. The impeachment will succeed only if supported by two thirds of the ballots cast.
In the event of removal, resignation, or a vacancy on the Executive Committee for any reason, the Committee shall initiate an election to fill the vacancy if more than three months remain in the term of the vacant position.
ARTICLE X — Meetings
There shall be an Annual General Meeting of the SMS Chapter not later than November 30th.
Other general meetings can be called by the Executive Committee, or, on a written request by at least ten members, shall take place within one calendar month of the request being received by the Executive.
A quorum in any general meeting or extraordinary meeting, including the Annual General Meeting, shall be not less than 15 members. Except as herein provided, SMS Chapter business shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
ARTICLE XI — Notice of Meetings
A notice of meeting other than the Annual General Meeting shall be delivered to each member or mailed to his/her last known address not less than 7 days before the meeting is to be held.
The Executive Committee may call an extraordinary meeting not requiring 7 days notice to discuss an urgent matter. Only that particular matter will be discussed at the extraordinary meeting.
Notice of meeting shall state the business to be transacted at the meeting.
ARTICLE XII — Adoption & Amendment of the Constitution
This constitution shall come into effect when approved at the initial membership meeting.
This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of SMS Chapter members voting at the annual general meeting.