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All information relating to bargaining can be found on the Hospital Employees’ Union bargaining page.
Please use the Good and Welfare Form to inform the committee when a PEA-HESU member should send a token of acknowledgement. Note you must login to access this form.
Find Your Local Shop Steward
Shemaine Chan, ext 7063
Shameer Shamji, ext 7070
Brenda Whitehall, ext 7037
Sonia Paone, ext 7017
Kim Benke, ext 5257
Sandra Naylor, ext 7044
Victoria & Courtenay
Chrissy Sprott, ext 5475
Prince George
Brenda Brown, ext 4505
HESU Executive
President: Bal Sandhu, ext 7151
Vice-President: Gunwant Grewal, ext 7150
Secretary: Dexter Basbas, ext 7169
Treasurer: Joeanne Tran, ext 7030
Trustee: Marina Beauchamp, ext 7149
Chief Shop Steward: Wendy Lund, ext 7157
Clerical Shop Steward: Morgan Dymond, ext 7160
Download a copy of the HESU Constitution