GLP Executive Vacancy
There is one new vacancy on the GLP Executive. Are you interested in stepping forward?
The Chapter Executive consists of seven members elected bi-ennially in odd-number years by secret ballot. In the event of a vacant position, the remaining Executive members may appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term. This term is until the AGM in the fall of 2023.
The Executive meets approximately six times per year (meetings in 2022 are held virtually). The Executive is responsible for carrying out the financial affairs of the GLP Chapter, appointing local reps and committees of the executive, managing the resolutions of the AGM, and reviewing and acting on the strategic plan. Union leave is provided to attend meetings.
Your union needs an effective Executive Committee with inspired and committed members working on behalf of GLP members. This call for volunteers is now closed.
Please feel free to contact any Chapter Executive member for more information on the role of the executive.