SMS Pension Update – Further Action Required
Dear PEA members,
In addition to the pension enrolment and increased contribution rate for members over 50-years-old, the union has discovered another significant pension oversight that requires your immediate attention:
Age 40 with ten years of SMS employment contribution rate increase
If you worked at the school for ten years prior to turning 40 years of age, you are entitled to a contribution rate increase after your 40th birthday. The school is to contribute 7% up from 5%, and the member is to contribute 6% up from 4%. Due to an employer error, these rates have not been adjusted. We are encouraging all members who turned 40-years-old between November 2023 and present day with ten years prior employment at SMS to contact Phil Graham and cc Rhiannon Bray to confirm your pension rates were adjusted to the increased rate after your 40th birthday.
Please CLICK HERE to review the plan summary.
The union understands that these errors are very concerning. This matter is very serious, and we will be taking action to ensure all our members are made whole. Please contact me directly if either of these errors have impacted you.
In solidarity,
Rhiannon Bray
Labour Relations Officer