Archives: Stories

Ronnie Nicolasora

In 1981, Ronnie Nicolasora, just 16 years old, started getting involved in political activity in his hometown of Miagao, Iloilo, Philippines. It was the year…

Jamie Stuart

Board-game nights, podcast sessions, Mandarin classes, astrology lectures. With offerings like these, public libraries are rewriting their story. The twenty-first century library is still a…

Susan Dempsey

For four years, Susan Dempsey, a counsellor at the University of Victoria, worked with an undergraduate student with serious anxiety, seeing her every three to…

Tracey Sutcliffe

It’s often said that you’re either a dog lover or a cat lover. You can’t be both, unless you are PEA member Tracey Sutcliffe, a…

Mark and Eric Scott

Stop by the rink in Powell River on Sunday nights and you’ll likely catch father and son Mark and Eric Scott tearing up the ice…

Bev Waterfield

Drive onto the grounds of St. Margaret’s School in Saanich and you feel miles away from the bustling neighbourhood surrounding it. Tall trees line the…

Aimee Cho

When Aimee Cho tries to recall the year she became a delegate to the New Westminster and District Labour Council (NWDLC), she arrives at the…

Sheryl Karras

For her grade 12 year, Sheryl Karras packed her bags and traded Salmon Arm for Japan, where she lived with a family, went to school…

Greg O’Neill

Foresters oversee the planting of around 250 million trees each year in British Columbia. For every site where trees are planted, a decision has to…

Dwayne Anderson

Based in Prince George, Dwayne Anderson was one of several PEA members recruited in 2021. A Timber Pricing Officer who is responsible for the Coastal…

Jennifer Gabrys

Imagine you’re being treated by an allied health care professional, a physiotherapist or occupational therapist, for example, and you find you’re unable to remember everything…

Trudy Goold

At the PEA’s convention in 2013, long-time member Trudy Goold received a PEA Service Award for her many years of dedicated service to the union….