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PEA members include administrative officers, systems specialists, program coordinators, academic assistants, laboratory instructors, and many other classifications working in a broad range of University departments and programs. Visit the chapter website.
Job Evaluation Guide
2024 UVic Constitutional Amendments
Chapter Constitutional Change (Login required)
Chair: Kristen Ficke, 250-721-7604
UVic Online
Vice-Chair: Sandra Guerreiro, 250-721-8003
Treasurer: John Foxgord, 250-721-7677
University Systems
Director: Katy DeCoste
Director: Ori Granot, 250-721-7183
Director: Cliff Haman, 250-472-5310
Visual Arts
Director: Lukasz Krawczyk
Director: Lara Read
Continuing Studies
Director: Ash Senini, 250-472-5826
Co-op and Career Mechanical Engineering
Local Reps
Bob Wright Center
Brian Tucker, 250-853-3587
Business & Economics
Shawn Tripp, 250-472-4566
Campus Security, Campus Services (Bookstore) and Child Care
Campus Services (Career Centre, Centre for Accessible Learning)
Charlie Watson, 250-472-5483
Centre for Athletics, Recreation and Special Abilities (CARSA)
Tim Smith, 250-721-7688
Dave Bakken, 250-472-4838
Continuing Studies
Tim Smith, 250-721-7688
Kay del Sol
Craigdarroch Commons
Jeff Albert, 250-721-7653
Kim Curry
David Turpin Building (formerly Social Sciences and Math)
Chi Kou
Ori Granot, 250-721-7183
Ash Senini, 250-472-5826
First Peoples’ House
Renee Livernoche, 250-721-6326
Fine Arts & Multifaith Centre
Sandra Guerreiro, 250-721-8003
Floater Rep
Viv Hersche
Harry Hickman Building
Emily Arvay
Health & Wellness Building
Human & Social Development
Stephanie Harrington
Ian Stewart Complex
Cortney Baldwin
Jamie Cassells Centre (formerly UVC)
Brian Tucker, 250-853-3587
Legacy Gallery
Iona Hubner, 250-721-7946
Melissa Doyle, 250-661-4712
Brian Tucker, 250-853-3587
Tim Smith, 250-721-7688
Medical Sciences Building
Iona Hubner, 250-721-7946
Michael Williams Building
Rachel Goldsworthy, 250-472-5408
Murray and Anne Fraser
Liz Eby, 250-853-3518
Ocean Networks Canada: Marine Technology Centre
Duncan Hogg
Ocean Networks Canada: Queenswood Campus
Duncan Hogg
Adrienne White
Sandra Guerreiro, 250-721-8003
Saunders & Saunders Annex
Brian Tucker, 250-853-3587
University Houses & Health Services
Jeff Albert, 250-721-7653
Visual Arts
Sandra Guerreiro, 250-721-8003
When should I take sick leave?
Firstly, we all know it’s important to stay home if you aren’t feeling well. Sick leave should be used for all personal illness but there are a few specific things you need to know:
How does Compensatory Time Off (CTO) work?
Your UVic Collective Agreement outlines the average work week and acknowledges that the nature of your work duties will frequently require considerable flexibility to accommodate varying workloads and operational needs.
You are expected to be self-directed with respect to your work but you sometimes might need to work considerably more than the average work week in order to perform your duties. However, in the 26 week period established by a department, a reasonable work schedule for a full-time member average 35 hours per week.
This leads us to Compensatory Time Off (CTO). Your work schedule can be altered at any time by mutual consent. When you are required by your supervisor and have the approval of the Dean/Director to work more than 35 hours per week on average by the end of a 26 week period, then you will receive CTO. Your CTO can be taken in the following forms:
How does the Job Evaluation Questionnaire (JEQ) process work?
Job evaluation is the process of measuring the relative worth of jobs. Job re-evaluation requests can be submitted whenever the University significantly changes the duties and responsibilities of a position. However, if you have recently started in a newly established position there are some specific things you need to know:
More information on the job evaluation process can be found here.
The name of the organization is the University of Victoria Chapter of the Professional Employees Association (UVic PEA).
ARTICLE II — Objectives
ARTICLE III — Membership
Membership is open to all staff who are members of the bargaining unit.
ARTICLE I — Meetings
ARTICLE II — Notice of Meetings
ARTICLE IV — Rules of Order
All meetings will be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
ARTICLE V — Voting
ARTICLE VI — Terms of Office
ARTICLE VII — Duties & Responsibilities
1. Chairperson
2. Vice-Chairperson
3. Second Vice-Chairperson
4. Treasurer
5. Secretary
6. Association Executive Member(s)
7. Directors
ARTICLE VIII — Executive Meetings
ARTICLE IX — Committees of the Executive
The Executive may create committees at its discretion and appoint members to them. Each committee will normally include one member of the Executive.
ARTICLE X — Removal From Office
ARTICLE XI — Chapter Executive Elections
ARTICLE XII — Appointment Committee
ARTICLE XIII — Duties & Responsibilities
ARTICLE XIV — Local Representatives Committee
ARTICLE XV — Local Representatives Committee
ARTICLE XVI — Accountability
ARTICLE XVII — Remuneration
Executive members will serve without remuneration. Executive members and members of the Chapter will be reimbursed for out-of-pocket bona fide expenses incurred on behalf of the Chapter.
Minutes of Executive, Annual General and Special meetings will be made available to members within a reasonable time (and in no event longer than 60 days after the meeting).
ARTICLE XX — Chapter Financial Records