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The PEA was certified to represent this group of lawyers in 1981 after Legal Aid BC was founded in 1979 to provide legal aid to qualified applicants. LABC lawyers practice primarily in criminal, family and immigration law across many locations in BC.
Closing the Gap: A joint proposal to address the staff lawyer wage disparity at Legal Aid B.C.
Harshada Deshpande
Samiran Lakshman
Todd McPherson
Debby O’Leary
Megan Olson
Jeremy Orrego
Kendra Ashton
Harshada Deshpande
Samiran Lakshman
Todd McPherson
Megan Olson
Jeremy Orrego
Brett Harper, Labour Relations Officer
The name of the organization is the Legal Aid BC (LABC) Chapter of the Professional Employees Association.
ARTICLE II — Objectives
The objectives of the Chapter are:
ARTICLE III — Membership
ARTICLE IV — Election of Executive
ARTICLE V — Meetings of the Chapter
ARTICLE VI — Notice of Meetings of the Chapter
ARTICLE VII — Auditors
ARTICLE VIII — Adoption and Amendment of the Constitution
This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority vote of returned mail ballots. The Professional Employees Association shall be notified of such amendments.
ARTICLE IX — Election of Association Convention Delegates
Delegates to the Association Convention shall be elected by the general membership in a vote to take place at least eighty (80) days prior to the Association Convention.
Amendeded November 26, 2021