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*Note: If there are any discrepancies between this version and official version, the official version shall apply.*
ARTICLE I — Organization
The name of the organization is the “Professional Employees Association”.
ARTICLE II — Objects
The objects of the Association are:
1. To serve as Bargaining Agent for employees included in the Association membership, to regulate relations between these employees and their employers by means of collective bargaining including such matters as professional status, working conditions, general welfare and salaries and other remuneration.
2. Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, to encourage, promote and maintain enlightened and innovative principles of labour relations including:
a. creation of working conditions whereby work and the provision of services become a source of personal and professional satisfaction;
b. recognition and encouragement of employees’ motivations, potential for development, capacity for assuming responsibility and readiness to work for organizational goals;
c. recognition of the principle of participation by and consultation with employees in joint undertakings to accomplish organizational objectives and goals subject to the public interest;
d. recognition and encouragement of employees’ capacity to use a high degree of imagination, ingenuity and creativity in achievement of organizational goals.
3. To maintain and promote a professional standard of service among professional employees.
4. To maintain and promote full professional and working relationships between various professional categories, among members of the Association, and between members of the Association supervisory staff and other salaried employees and their trade unions and associations.
5. To prepare briefs, organize seminars and perform research and educational functions with respect to professional status and responsibilities and relations with employers.
6. To have power to recognize categories of employees as chapters of the Association.
7. To do any other things as may be necessary for the welfare of the members of the Association.
ARTICLE III — Headquarters
The business of the Association shall be conducted chiefly in the City of Victoria, B.C. and in other areas where members are employed.
ARTICLE I — Membership
1. Membership shall be open to:
a. Employees who are licensed to practice under any Act or eligible for membership in any association of professional employees described in any such Act and persons registered as students or trainees under the provisions of any such Act, provided that such professional employees come within the definition contained in Article I 1 (b) of these By-laws.
b. Employees who are not presently licensed to practice under any Act but who, in the opinion of the Association, come within the following definition of a professional employee: ”An employee engaged in the exercise of a predominantly intellectual skill in which they use discretion and judgment and the results of which cannot necessarily be measured or standardized by units or by time and who has been qualified by knowledge of an advanced type in a field of science or learning customarily, but not necessarily, acquired by a prolonged course of specialized intellectual instruction and study in or with an institution of higher learning or a hospital
c. Employees not included in (a) or (b) above who work for employers of persons included in (a) or (b) above, provided:
i. That collective bargaining law requires their inclusion in bargaining units represented by the Association, and
ii. That employees included in (a) and (b) above constitute a majority of the employees in any bargaining unit the Association represents.
2. Membership will not be open to persons excluded from collective bargaining.
3. Persons desiring to become members of the Association shall make application in writing in the format prescribed together with the payment of an Admission Fee in an amount as may be determined from time to time by the Association Executive. Applicants shall furnish the Secretary-Treasurer with such information regarding their professional qualifications and job functions as may be required.
4. The Association Executive may examine applications for membership, and if, in the opinion of the Association Executive, the applicant is not qualified for membership in the Association, the application shall be rejected.
5. Changes to Membership Dues shall be recommended by a convention of the Association. The method of payment shall be established by the Association Executive. When a resolution or question which involves a change in the dues of the Association comes before a convention of the Association and is carried at that meeting, such questions or resolution shall, prior to implementation, be made the subject of a referendum subject to the provisions of Article VI and the requirement that at least 50 per cent of the membership participate in the referendum. When ten per cent of the membership sign a petition the Association Executive shall make the dues the subject of a Referendum, subject to the provisions of Article VI and this article. The Association Executive may also initiate a referendum to change membership dues, subject to the provisions of Article VI and this article. Special levies on all or part of the membership may be assessed by the Association Executive for the purpose of assisting a bargaining unit of the Association faced with a strike.
6. In the event that any member fails to pay any dues or levy, as herein provided by virtue of Section 5, for a period of sixty days after the same is due, They shall cease to be a member of the Association. They may be restored to membership by paying such dues or levies which are in arrears, at the discretion of the Association Executive.
ARTICLE II — Association Governing Authority
ARTICLE III — Conventions
1. There shall be a Triennial Convention of the Association.
2. The place and date of the convention shall be fixed by the Association Executive to occur in April, May or June. The deadline to submit resolutions is to be printed in Association publications at least sixty (60) days prior to convention.
3. Accredited delegates to the convention shall be elected by and from the chapters by methods determined in chapter by-laws, on the following basis:
a. Chapters shall be entitled to one delegate for each 50 members or part thereof.
b. A chapter with less than 50 members which is without a chapter member on the Association Executive shall be entitled, as of right, to one additional delegate.
c. Members of the Association Executive shall be delegates to the convention as of right.
4. All travelling, salary and subsistence expenses of the delegates attending the Association’s convention shall be paid for out of funds of the Association at a rate to be determined by the Association Executive.
5. Each chapter shall complete credentials for each of the chapter delegates and alternates on a form provided by the Association Executive and cause the credentials to be delivered and received at the Association’s headquarters at least sixty(60) days before the date of the convention.
6. Delegates’ credentials shall be distributed by the Association to the chapter executives and shall state the number of members of the chapter who are in good standing at a date to be determined by the Association Executive.
7. A member of the Association may submit resolutions to convention provided that the member and at least one other member of the Association sign each resolution.
8. A chapter executive may submit its own resolutions to convention.
9. The Association Executive may submit its own resolutions to convention.
10. All resolutions for submission to convention must be delivered to and received at the Association’s headquarters at least forty-five (45) days before convention.
11. The Association Executive shall arrange that copies of resolutions received by the deadline be forwarded to all chapters at least twenty (20) days before convention.
12. The Association Executive shall arrange that each delegate to convention be sent a copy of all resolutions that have been received by the deadline, together with a copy of reports (President, Secretary-Treasurer and Executive Director, along with the audited financial statements) to be submitted to the convention, at least twenty (20) days before convention.
13. A resolution or question except a resolution to amend the Constitution and By-laws may be presented from the floor of the convention if two-thirds majority of the members present and voting vote to admit it.
14. Except as herein provided the meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
ARTICLE IV — Chapters
ARTICLE V — Association Executive
ARTICLE VI — Referenda
ARTICLE VII — President and Vice-Presidents
The President shall preside at meetings of the Association and of the Association Executive and perform such other functions as are required by these By-laws. In the absence of the President, a Vice-President shall act for the President. In the absence of the President and both the Vice-Presidents, a Chairperson shall be elected by the meeting.
ARTICLE VIII — Secretary-Treasurer
ARTICLE IX — Auditors
ARTICLE X — Banking and Investment
ARTICLE XI — Signing Officers
Except as herein otherwise provided, all documents requiring execution on behalf of the Association shall be signed by any two table officers.
ARTICLE XII — Committees
ARTICLE XIII — Fiscal Year
ARTICLE XIV — Amendments