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Government lawyers are part of the Government Lawyers Subchapter within the GLP. The motion to form the subchapter, which was brought forward by the PEA Association Executive, included that lawyers would be guaranteed a seat on the bargaining committee for the PEA Main agreement as well as other special rights. The subchapter structure will be in place until the ratification of the next PEA Main collective agreement after which it will be reviewed for a possible extension
GLSC Executive
Chairperson: Micah Weintraub
Executive Member: Sarah Bevan
Executive Member: Margo Foster
Executive Member: Mark Seebaran
Your Local Reps are:
Sarah Bevan, Victoria
Margo Foster, Victoria
Keely Pegg, Victoria
Sarah McEwen, Victoria
Mark Seebaran, Victoria
Kevin Contzen, Vancouver
Micah Weintraub, Vancouver
Labour Relations Officers:
Laura Kate Jeffreys, 250-385-8791 ext 211
Andrea Mears, 250-385-8791 ext 207
Members are welcome to provide feedback through the form below.
Transition Agreement
Transition agreement updates are posted here. You will need to login to the website to view this page.
In an award issued on August 30, 2024, Arbitrator Jim Dorsey confirmed that rates of pay for classifications of newly included government civil lawyers and articled students can be arbitrated under Article 32.10 of the PEA Main Collective Agreement.
Shortly after Bill 5 brought government lawyers into the PEA by legislation, the Union grieved that the Employer had introduced a new classification of government civil lawyers and articled students in the Collective Agreement, and that, in the absence of agreement between the Parties, the Union had the right to refer the issue of salary to an arbitrator to make a final and binding decision on rate of pay.
This grievance marks the latest chapter in government lawyers’ attempts to voluntarily negotiate their pay with the Employer, since being separated from the Crown Counsel classification in 2019. Since that time, their pay has fallen significantly behind Crown Counsel.
The Employer put forward a preliminary objection to the grievance, which was heard on the basis of written submissions by the Parties.
After reviewing the submissions, the Employer’s preliminary objection was dismissed. The Arbitrator found that lawyers and articled students were included in the bargaining unit by decisions of the Legislature and executive branch of government, and that the decision to introduce their job classifications as previously excluded employees for the first time under the collective agreement was a management human resource decision which triggered the application of Article 32.10.
This is an important award that takes the Union closer to addressing the historical injustices in the treatment of government civil lawyers’ rates of pay. The PEA will continue to fight for lawyers and articled students to exercise their rights under the Collective Agreement. The Union is now preparing for arbitration on rates of pay, scheduled in November 2024.
Your Collective Agreement
Members are encouraged to review the PEA 17th Main Collective Agreement.
We won the Arbitrator James Dorsey’s decision, which is a significant victory for the Union. View the entire arbitration decision here.
He found that the PEA Main collective agreement is inherently capable of application to lawyers and articled students and that it has applied since their inclusion in the licensed professional bargaining unit as of July 14, 2023. The manner of the application of each of the provisions of the collective agreement is for resolution by the union and employer and, if necessary, arbitration regarding specific differences.
PEA Association Executive
Micah Weintraub, a lawyer member from the GLP chapter executive, was appointed to the PEA Association Executive as a member at large. Elizabeth Rowbothom was subsequently appointed to the Association Executive. The GLP has a total of four member at large seats on the association executive.
Government Licensed Professional Chapter Executive
The GLP chapter executive appointed lawyer member Micah Weintraub to the GLP chapter executive with full voting rights. In accordance with the bylaws, the GLP Executive elections took place in November 2023. Three lawyers were elected to the GLP Executive along with four other members.
The GLP Chapter Executive brought forward policy changes that guarantee a minimum of one lawyer on the GLP seven-member bargaining committee to be in effect for the formation of the next GLP bargaining committee. These will be reviewed after the next round of bargaining.