SGS AXYS Chapter Constitution: DRAFT V2


The name of the organization shall be the SGS AXYS Chapter of the Professional Employees Association.

ARTICLE II — Objectives

SGS AXYS Chapter objectives are:

  • To function as a chapter of the Professional Employees Association.
  • To provide a forum for the discussion of employment issues.
  • To determine the needs of SGS AXYS Chapter members regarding compensation and working conditions and to assist the Professional Employees Association in negotiating collective agreements covering members of the SGS AXYS Chapter.
  • To carry out other functions consistent with the Professional Employees Association Constitution as may be desirable for the welfare of SGS AXYS Chapter members.

ARTICLE III — Membership

Membership shall be open to all employees who are members of the bargaining unit at SGS AXYS or its successor for whom the Professional Employees Association is certified.

ARTICLE IV — Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the SGS AXYS Chapter shall consist of no less than four members: Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer and at least one Director-at-Large. The Executive Committee is elected in even-numbered years. All Executive Committee members are elected for two-year terms. The Executive Committee shall appoint from the elected members the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer and Director(s)-at-Large.

Should a vacancy occur on the Executive Committee, the remaining members may appoint a replacement from the SGS AXYS Chapter membership for the remainder of the term of office.

The SGS AXYS Chapter shall rotate its entitlement to appoint an Association Executive member with other Association Chapters as determined by the Association Executive, on an annual basis. When it is entitled to do so, the Chapter Executive Committee shall appoint by motion an Association Executive member from among the members of the Chapter Executive Committee. The term of appointment shall be one year, effective at the close of the Association Convention, and effective on June 1 in non-Convention years.

A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be three members, and shall have the authority to take such measures in carrying out SGS AXYS Chapter objectives as are consistent with the Professional Employees Association Constitution.

Decisions of the Executive Committee shall be by majority vote. Executive Committee meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

ARTICLE V — Duties of the Executive

The Chair will preside over SGS AXYS Chapter meetings and in their absence, the Vice-Chair will preside. The Chair will have overall responsibility for the general and active management of the business of the Chapter and will enforce and abide by the provisions of the Chapter Constitution and By-Laws.

The Vice-Chair will assume duties as may be determined by the Chair or Executive. In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair will exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions of the Chair.

The Secretary-Treasurer will prepare and disseminate notices and agendas of all Executive and Chapter meetings, keep an accurate record of all Executive and Chapter meetings, act as Parliamentarian at all Chapter meetings, act as Archivist for all Chapter matters, be responsible for safekeeping of any SGS AXYS Chapter funds, and assume other duties as may be determined by the Executive.

ARTICLE VI — Executive Elections

The Executive Committee shall request an expression of interest from members who may be interested in joining the SGS AXYS Executive Committee no later than 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting.

Nominations may be put forward to the Executive Committee to the PEA Office by any members of the SGX AXYS Chapter. The Chapter Executive shall prepare a list of candidates who have signified that they are willing to stand for Executive office. Nominations may also be put forward during the Annual General Meeting.

The Executive shall put the list of standing candidates to the general membership for their vote during the Annual General Meeting. Voting shall be conducted through electronic, paper, or verbal means. Newly elected members of the Chapter Executive shall assume office at the close of the Chapter Annual General Meeting.

ARTICLE VII — Meetings

There shall be an Annual General Meeting not later than December 1.

Other general meetings can be called by the Executive Committee, or, on a written request from at least two members. When a meeting is called by at least two members, it shall take place within one calendar month of the request being received by the Executive.

A quorum in any general meeting, including the Annual Meeting, shall be not less than 20 per cent of the membership.

Except as herein provided, SGS AXYS Chapter meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.

A notice of meeting other than the Annual General Meeting shall be delivered to each member by email not less than five days before the meeting is to be held.

Notice of meeting shall state the business to be transacted at the meeting.

ARTICLE VIII — Adoption and Amendment of the Constitution

This Constitution shall come into effect when approved at the initial membership meeting. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of SGS AXYS Chapter voting members.

ARTICLE IX — Election of the Association Convention Delegates

Expressions of interest for delegates to the Association Convention shall be requested by the PEA Office. The PEA Office shall forward the names of interested members to the SGX AXYS Executive Committee. Delegates to the Association Convention shall selected by the SGS AXYS Executive Committee prior to the Association Convention.