SGS AXYS Executive Committee Candidate Nomination Form SGS AXYS Executive Committee Candidate Nomination FormThis is a nomination form for the SGS AXYS Chapter Executive. The term of the position is two years. Elections will take place at the Chapter’s first Annual General Meeting on Saturday September 14, 2024, from 2:00 – 3:30 PM.Duties of the Executive The duties of the executive are derived from the Chapter Constitution, a draft of which may be viewed here. The Chair will preside over SGS-AXYS Chapter meetings and, in their absence, the Vice Chair will preside. The Chair will have overall responsibility for the general and active management of the business of the and will enforce and abide by the provisions of the Chapter Constitution and By-Laws. The Vice Chair will assume duties as may be determined by the Chair or Executive.- In the absence of the Chair, the Vice-Chair will exercise the powers and perform the duties and functions of the Chair. The Secretary-Treasurer will prepare and disseminate notices and agendas of all Executive and Chapter meetings, keep an accurate record of all Executive and Chapter meetings, act as Parliamentarian at all Chapter meetings, act as Archivist for all Chapter matters, be responsible for safekeeping of any SGS-AXYS Chapter funds. and assume other duties as may be determined by the Executive.Are you nominating yourself or someone else? Myself Someone else Name of nominee(Required) First Last Email(Required) Title of Current Position(Required) Number of Years Worked at SGS AXYS(Required) Why are you interested in being on the executive committee? If you are nominating someone else, why do you think they are the right person to be on the committee? Up to 250 words.(Required)PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.